Wednesday, December 23, 2009
what are you afraid of?
Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing.
Acarophobia- Fear of itching or of the insects that cause itching.
Acerophobia- Fear of sourness.
Agateophobia- Fear of insanity.
Albuminurophobia- Fear of kidney disease.
Alektorophobia- Fear of chickens.
Alliumphobia- Fear of garlic.
Allodoxaphobia- Fear of opinions.
Amathophobia- Fear of dust.
Anablephobia- Fear of looking up.
Anuptaphobia- Fear of staying single.
Apeirophobia- Fear of infinity.
Atomosophobia- Fear of atomic explosions.
Aulophobia- Fear of flutes.
Autodysomophobia- Fear of one that has a vile odor.
Automatonophobia- Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsely represents a sentient being.
You have to admit to suffering from one or more of these to a moderate extent yourself. I know I have personally grappled with many of these. Show up with a dummy and I guarantee you I will run screaming into the night. And how many of us have stayed awake at night worrying about kidney disease? Huh? Come on, you know who you are. Well, perhaps some of these are a little bit of a stretch compared to others, but while we may laugh hysterically at some of these phobias, there is someone out there who is not so amused. I must admit that the list makes me feel downright healthy. I'll try not to be insensitive to the phobias of others, but secretly wouldn't it be funny to put together an ablutophobiac with an autodysomophobiac?
Friday, December 18, 2009
the day I stopped crying
This disassociation of pain and crying has been just one of the many revelations I have encountered along the meandering path that is my life, but it was a startling one for me. Why had I wasted all of that time and effort crying when I could have just been nursing the pain with rocking motions and repeated "ouches?" Really. It was like that for me. Why does anybody waste the energy crying over pain (again, I reiterate, "physical" pain)? I haven't cried since that time; not when I inadvertently jumped through a sliding glass door on the night of high school graduation, not when I broke my wrist, not when I got the wind knocked out of me in Kung-Fu class. Crying is displaced energy and the act takes focus away from the matter at hand. If you are injured in any way, focus on the most efficient way of getting relief or aid as quickly as possible. Don't be wasting valuable time crying.
Now if only I can incorporate that disassociation with those other kinds of pain . . .
Saturday, December 12, 2009
brand names - a word from our sponsor

I'm sure this sort of discernment is not always justified. I do let my standards, real or imagined, slide occasionally, especially in these difficult economic times. I'm not as discriminating when I buy that container of chicken stock for my Cooks Illustrated recipe (although I AM conscious of the sodium content, which is actually horrifying if you look at the label. Personal caution alert: anytime you buy anything that's been processed, check out the sodium content. I think it might help you live longer, but again, I digress . . . ). Heinz Ketchup is yet another, although years I ago I swear it started getting runnier. Still, Heinz reigns supreme as far as I'm concerned.
Brand loyalty is an interesting phenomena. When and where does one reach a tipping point when one is willing to deviate from the tried-and-true choices and venture into sampling something new? For me, a relative "clinger" to my favorites, it takes a lot. A massive ad campaign that bombards the airwaves each night of the week is a good starting point. Well-designed, snobbish label and packaging design is another. A premium price is another attractive element for me. (Fact: when my wife did an internship in NYC some years ago for Elizabeth Arden, she learned that if one of their new product lines did not sell, they simply increased the price, which almost unfailingly led to higher sales). Coupon incentives and celebrity endorsements have no impact upon me whatsoever.
As consumers, we do indeed vote with our money and I usually vote for the incumbent. Occasionally, I do try new things when I am swayed by the factors mentioned above. Still, I have found that those times I do stray, I inevitably end up disappointed. The allure of something new is momentarily distracting, but soon dissipates with the first sampling. Keep on trying though, you manufacturers. I'm ready to jump on the bandwagon of customer loyalty as soon as you develop that next Twinkie. Until that time, I'll stick with my favorites.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
the national theatre of the deaf

The article featured time-exposure photographs of members of the company, signing and dancing in spectacular ways; their movement captured in sweeping brushstrokes of light and fancy. The photos evoked the group's sense of joy and unbridled energy.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
am I blue?
The chemists were actually trying to create compounds with unique electronic properties when they stumbled upon their new pigment. Sadly, it is not cheap, since it incorporates an expensive material, indium. They are now trying to replace the indium oxide with cheaper oxides.
I am enthralled by the idea that experimentation with compounds accidently resulted in blue. Rock on, blue! Who knows what other accidental discoveries await us in our experimentation?
Friday, November 20, 2009
the end of the world

Thursday, November 19, 2009
absent photographer

Friday, November 13, 2009
mexican coke revisited, pepsi throwback

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
did you know?
Evidently utility companies have avoided publicizing this for fear of spooking consumers. Russian bomb materials account for 45 percent of the fuel in American nuclear reactors. This program is set to expire in 2013. Utilities are hopeful that a new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (which expires on December 5th) will prove successful to continue the flow of nuclear material. One man's garbage is another man's treasure . . .
setting sail into space

Experiments are currently underway testing the feasibility of this mode of travel. The woman heading a collaboration between two groups interested in this technology is Ann Druyan, the widow of Carl Sagan. Backing for some of the experiments has been provided by an anonymous donor who was intrigued by a presentation given by one of the groups. I sound like a real geek here, but I remember a Deep Space Nine episode in which the series' main character and his son sail a portion of the cosmos in a craft propelled by a large solar sail. It's a very romantic notion; sailing the stars on the solar winds generated by the sun in the darkness of space. I continue to revel in the wonders we confront each day and the possibilities that life affords us.
where the wild things are

"No place is free of conflict and bad feeling, and no person has the power to make problems disappear. Where there is happiness - friendship, adventure, affection, security - there is also, inevitably disappointment. That's life."
Saturday, October 31, 2009
new year's resolution

As we are approaching the conclusion of yet another year, my resolution will be to work on my procrastination tendencies and to subsequently reduce the stress that I can only blame upon myself. I am too often my own worst enemy. Why contribute to the dark and evil forces that are already at play conspiring against me?
So there you have it.
My new year's resolution: to stop procrastinating. Oh, and as always, to lose weight too. And oh yeah, to teach myself how to play the harmonica. The cool kind of harmonica, not the dorky kind.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
the amazing curta calculator

Sunday, October 18, 2009
christmas came early this year

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
introspection and technology

Monday, October 12, 2009
recumbent trike
I had the opportunity to drive to Payson this weekend to test drive the three recumbent trikes I had decided upon based on "value" (another term for the best I can afford). One of the premier dealers in the country is Utah Trikes. Nice that they are located nearby (sort of).
It was a blast! I couldn't stop grinning! The recumbent trike has been compared to a sports car in the family of bicycles and I could easily see why. You sit very low in a recumbent, so even standing (that is, sitting) still, you feel like you're already moving fast. The recumbent position also provides a high degree of comfort with a totally different pedal feel. While you cannot stand on the pedals as you do in a conventional bike when going uphill, I understand you become accustomed to pedaling in such a way that you still have the capability of going up steep ascents with the added bonus of simply stopping and resting when you become overtaxed. You just apply the brakes and remain seated while you catch your breath.
This means little to those who have no interest in this sort of thing, but the three models I tested were the KMX Typhoon, the Catrike Trail and the TerraTrike Cruiser. Of the three, the Typhoon is really in a different class from the other two. It is really targeted at teens and younger bikers who are looking for a fun ride at a low price ($1099) and seemed more like a BMX version of a recumbent trike. The Catrike was nice (at $1749), but did not have an adjustable seat, which is an important consideration to me, especially if I ride long distances. The Catrike was the lightest of the three bikes however, and felt very nice although I did experience some pedal steer (meaning the bike sways from side to side as you pedal - something practice can help rectify, but interestingly, I did not experience it in the other two models). The TerraTrike Cruiser ($1499) proved to be the best of the three in my opinion, possessing a nice degree of comfort, no pedal steer and marvelous handling (indirect steering, which is again something of no interest to the unitiated. I think direct steering might be preferable, but for my money, the indirect steering was smoother). Santa (aka my wife) suggested that the Cruiser might be my Christmas present if I've been good this year. So, like the children you see in old movies, I may be out there in the snow on Christmas Day tooling around the neighborhood on my new trike. I've already begun planning my route to work and back and have carefully studied the bike path maps for SLC and Salt Lake County . . .
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
inner teenaged boys and their toys

Well, my latest dalliance into the fantasy world of acquisition is the Ice Trice Q ( This is a recumbent tricycle (yes, I said tricycle), with two wheels in the front for stability, and the third wheel rearward. This configuration is known as a “tadpole” design in the vernacular of three-wheeled vehicles. The more traditional tricycle design with one wheel in the front is referred to as a “delta.” While the word “delta” sounds much cooler than “tadpole,” I’m afraid I would have to defer to the design advantages of the tadpole if I were ever to make such a purchase, namely, speed, stability, drive train simplicity and touring comfort. These babies go for a starting price of about $2,800 and increase as you begin to add more sophisticated components and accessories. In deference to safety considerations, I would most certainly purchase a flag to increase my visibility to others (I know, I know, this seems like “Big Wheels” for grown-ups), a rear-view mirror and several strategically placed bicycle lights at a minimum.
I’m not sure what it is that appeals to me about these trikes, but they do offer the promise of comfort, freedom, health and adventure. One individual, a 52 year-old gentleman of Japanese descent who was recently laid off from his job (talk about a doppelganger), took the opportunity of his circumstances to ride across the United States in his Ice Trice Q. He began his journey in March and is still on the road. See his blog at
So the question now becomes, how can I get my hands on $2800+ of disposable money?
Sunday, October 4, 2009
blueberry soda

I DID however, discover Blueberry Soda during my travels in Maine. This was a delightful surprise. Initially I was skeptical, but found the taste of blueberries, blended with carbonation, to be the perfect balance of flavor, sweetness and "texture" (not to mention its beautiful color). Today, I decided to order a shipment of Blueberry Soda via the internet, but during my search, stumbled upon a recipe! I share it here with you, but advise you to wait until I have had time to test it before your proceed. I have high hopes however and will let you know how it tastes shortly. I figure worst case I can always order the manufactured stuff. Following is the recipe attributed to Alton Brown:
- 20 ounces fresh blueberries, approximately 4 cups, rinsed and drained
- 2 cups water
- 7 ounces sugar
- 1 lime, juiced
- Carbonated water
Place the blueberries and the water into a medium saucepan, set over medium-high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat and pour the mixture into a colander lined with cheesecloth that is set in a large bowl. Allow to cool for 15 minutes. Gather up the edges of the cheesecloth and squeeze out as much of the liquid as possible. Discard the skin and pulp. Return the blueberry juice to the saucepan along with the sugar and lime juice. Place over medium high heat and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and transfer to a heatproof glass container and place in the refrigerator, uncovered, until completely cooled.
To Serve: Combine 1/4 cup of the liquid with 8-ounces of carbonated water and serve over ice.
mercedes sosa

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
the facebook phenomena
I do wish to take the opportunity here to personally thank Facebook for making me feel like a loser. It appears that most Facebook participants have hundreds, even thousands of friends. I have a grand total of nineteen friends and I don’t see that number increasing any time soon. Of the nineteen friends, one is my wife, another, my daughter, one is the teenager who mows my lawn (Hey, Taylor), and one is a total mistake. (Don’t worry, it’s none of you dear readers.) This only reinforces my impression of myself as a friendless hermit, lacking in social skills, unable to forge any deep emotional bonds. Yes, I could claim that my nineteen Facebook friends are CLOSE friends (Hey, Taylor), not gratuitous ones, but this is only true to a certain extent. Some of my “friends” are not responding to my “friend requests” or are not on Facebook. And did I mention that since joining Facebook, I HAVE managed to spook an old college girlfriend who must have thought I was stalking her (oh, yeah, come to think of it, make that EIGHTEEN friends)? I’m beginning to think Facebook is really an abbreviation for “In Your Face!” book . . .
Monday, September 28, 2009
cincinnati chili
For the uninitiated, Cincinnati Chili is not like your traditional chili. It contains a mixture of spices and ingredients (cinnamon, allspice, chili powder, apple cider vinegar, brown sugar, tomato sauce, chicken broth and ground beef that is boiled in the sauce) that combines to form a mildly sweet, aromatic, mildly spicy chili. But the uniqueness does not end here. Cincinnati Chili is served in several possible variations: two-way, three-way, four-way or five way. Two-way is with the chili served over spaghetti noodles (this is the minimal way - it MUST be served with the spaghetti, otherwise it is not Cincinnati Chili). Three-way adds grated cheese on top. Four-way builds upon the mound with raw onions, and finally, Five-way adds kidney beans. It's really quite an odd dish and you can sample it in the food court of the Cincinnati Airport if you have time during a connection there (a Delta hub). The booth that serves it is directly across from the McDonald's. In reality, I found the dish to be a little off-putting, but thought the novelty of it to be quite charming.
Recently, Cooks Illustrated, my favorite source for recipes, featured their version of the regional dish. Whatever flaws I found with my samplings in Cincinnati have been masterfully addressed in the C.I. version. C.I. has refined the combination of ingredients to the point of perfection. The dish I once thought odd, but quaint, and not necessarily desirable has now become a frequent obsession of mine. Never mind that is has no redeeming nutritional benefits (well, I guess there IS protein), the important thing is that it makes me happy and warm inside, all the while delighting my taste buds! Last night, I made a batch after a self-imposed hiatus of three months without Cincinnati Chili. It was truly a culinary delight. I recommend it highly. I'm not sure what the ramifications would be of posting the recipe on the web, but if you're tempted to try it, shoot me an e-mail and I'd be happy to share it with you.
Cincinnati Chili. It is the "Sin" in "Cincinatti!"
Monday, September 14, 2009
personal violation
That's me in the center looking a little coy, but loving every minute . . .
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
dr. who

Thursday, September 3, 2009
love, kung fu and the New York Times
When Joni suggests we attend a romantic comedy for one of our movies of the week, I protest somewhat mildly, but am secretly reveling in the prospect of screening yet another variation of the boy meets girl (or these days it COULD be a boy meets boy or girl meets girl) storyline. Oddly, I also still revel in typical "guy" movie fare like a good old action movie with plenty of fight scenes. So when you present me with something like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" or "The House of Flying Daggers," well, as you can imagine, I am in movie heaven. I cannot fathom a higher art form than a love story within a Kung Fu movie.
I always begrudgingly watch these love stories unfold, but unfailingly succumb to the swelling orchestration in the background and emotion-packed climax as the two lovers finally proclaim their love for one another. (In college, I always waited for that music to commence whenever I was with my girl friends, but it never came . . . ). I recognize intellectually that the love on that screen is just as fabricated as the exploding car tumbling end over end in an action sequence, but somehow I still find myself BELIEVING in that moment. Well, if not believing in that moment, WANTING to believe in that moment. I suppose this is the true revelation of my older age: knowing the difference in believing and wanting to believe.
I have gained enough wisdom over the years to realize that love in real life is something that requires more effort and tolerance and forgiveness than anything portrayed in the movies. I have come to recognize that it is because of this that real love is more rewarding when its challenges are met and overcome. And like the ebb and flow of the ocean, it has its own rhythm.
Still, it's fun to engage in entertainment that dwells upon the conceit of love. Now that I have my iPod, I subscribe to the free daily feed provided by the NY Times. If you are like me and enjoy a good love story, I highly recommend a weekly visit to its illustrious wedding section. Contained therein are many modern day fairy tales written especially for us romantics. And just like in the movies, these stories always end with a happily ever after . . .
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
a few facts about lobsters
True lobsters have two very powerful claws. One claw is sharp and used for cutting, the other is bony and used for crushing. Lobsters that have their heavy ("crusher") claw on the right are considered "right-handed" and the others are "left-handed". Some lobsters are ambidextrous, they usually favor the claw that is the largest. True lobsters have two very powerful claws. One claw is sharp and used for cutting, the other is bony and used for crushing. Lobsters that have their heavy ("crusher") claw on the right are considered "right-handed" and the others are "left-handed". Some lobsters are ambidextrous, they usually favor the claw that is the largest.
Rubber bands are placed around the lobsters' claws for the protection of other lobsters, not necessarily its handlers.
According to the Oceanarium, a local university did a comprehensive study of the nervous system of lobsters and concluded that it was not developed enough to allow them to feel pain. This was very comforting and I CHOOSE to believe this, even though I have read contrary reports on other websites. I do not remember which university was cited, but after all, it is an institution of higher learning that did the research . . .
Another source on the web (this time from the Five Islands Lobster Company reads), "For those of you who are concerned about cooking screaming lobsters, here are the facts. The nervous system of a lobster is decentralized and has been compared to that of a grasshopper. From what we know, this means they probably feel little or no pain. They also have no vocal chords. The sound you may hear is actually steam escaping from the shell as the lobster cooks. If you're still concerned about hurting the lobster, begin to cook it in cold water instead of hot. As the temperature rises, it will put the lobster to sleep. So will laying it on its back for a few minutes."
Female lobsters can store the male's sperm for up to two years and individually fertilize each egg (ranging anywhere from approximately 8,000 to 100,000 depending upon their age and size).
Somewhere between 80% an 90% of the lobster produced in the U.S. originates from Maine.
The lobster population in Maine is experiencing healthy growth, which means we don't have to feel guilty for enjoying its flavorful deliciousness.
I close here with the oft heard statement, "You are what you eat."
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
a good friend

We spent the good part of a day exploring the city of Portland together and catching up. We shared a couple of moments of hilarity, one involving a very odd, but colorful clerk at a local hardware store whom we encountered again on the street many blocks from his place of employ. The clerk could have easily been a character in the movie "Ghost World." Bob commented it was almost as if he had been hired as an extra for a movie we were in and he was asked to double as a passerby for the street scene in addition to his role as sales clerk. Reviewing this, here on the computer screen, it isn't as funny as it was at that moment. You had to be there.
Monday, August 24, 2009
divining rods

The document that accompanied my purchase of the dowsing rods claims that as your proficiency increases, "you will also be able to locate lost pipes, unmarked grave sites, lost treasure and other earth features with a high degree of accuracy and confidence."
Today, there exists an American Society of Dowsers (Inc.) headquartered in Danville, Vermont. There are approximately 1000 members with other smaller (dowser) organizations throughout the world.
There are many theories about the dowsing phenomenon. It is purported that those who believe it is possible and could work have moderate success, followed by increasing success as confidence and belief strengthens. As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I want to believe in such things (see my post regarding the Loch Ness Monster). I'm intrigued by the possibilities of things unseen and unexplained. I can attest to the fact that as I departed happily from the store with my L-Rods in hand (wasn't it P.T. Barnum who proclaimed, "There's one born every minute!"?), I swear the wires started to rotate freely, coming to rest for a brief moment, then arced towards the river to my left in unison! I turned with my back to the river, re-positioned the L-Rods in my hands once more with the identical result. The wires began to rotate, stalled for a brief moment as if settling into a final resting position, then slowly turned (again in unison) and pointed directly behind me! My daughter, Marissa, tried utilizing the L-Rods with exactly the same results. When Joni and Chris, my daughter's boyfriend, tried the L-Rods, neither achieved any positive results. Perhaps their shared training as lawyers was a hindrance to their psychic success.
I did try the divining rods again that night in the comfort of our hotel room and the L-Rods behaved in the same manner. In this instance, they both pointed directly to my left. I had no idea where any bodies of water lay in relation to the hotel room so I cannot vouch for their accuracy, but the fact that they both pointed in the same direction leads me to believe something was at play here. I'll have to keep you posted as I experiment more with these things. I figure my $7.00 investment is a small price to pay for a renewed sense of wonder . . .
the food of maine

Duckfat - owned by the same purveyors of Hugo's, a renowned destination dining restaurant (see below). Duckfat is known for its fries cooked in duckfat. The duckfat renders the fries a deep brown color mirroring the richer, more earthy flavor. We ordered the fries with cheese curd and duck gravy (referred to as Poutine), but also tried some with truffle ketchup, which was absolutely amazing. The truffles added depth to the ketchup which simply has to be experienced firsthand. Duckfat does not take reservations, so needless to say, we had to wait for quite a while before we were seated. We also ordered their vanilla milkshake which has to be one of the richest shakes I've ever had. The vanilla ice cream was obviously home made, incorporating the freshest of vanilla beans.
Hugo's - that same evening, we had procured reservations at Hugo's. Chef Rob Evans was the winner of the 2009 James Beard Foundation for the Best Chef of the Northeast. We began the evening with Romaine Hearts, white anchovy, parmesan, caesar dressing and bottarga. The simplicity of this first course was superb due primarily to the freshness of the ingredients. The Romaine Hearts were crispy and sweet. For the second course (actually another first course choice, but we shared), we had Watermelon & Watercress Salad, with goat cheese, organic radish topped with a citrus vinaigrette. Again the excellence of this course was based upon the finest freshest ingredients. Finally, the entree was Prime Beef Rib Eye, potato- miso puree, onion jus with multiple garnishes. The portions were very small, but overall the dining experience was superb. We overheard a waiter telling a patron that some of the courses took three days preparation. It is not difficult to believe judging from some of the dishes featured on the menu.
I won't bore you with too many more details, but have to mention a couple of other highlights:
The Azure Cafe in Freeport was located in a small building in the middle of town. I had the Freeport fish and chips made of haddock that was probably among the finest I have ever experienced. The batter was light and did not overpower the fresh delicacy of the haddock. Even the fries tasted light and were not greasy at all. I also sampled their lobster roll which contained some of the sweetest lobster meat of the trip. I suspect from the cost, the lobster meat may have been harvested solely from the claws, the most tender and prime part of the lobster.
Finally, Fore Street in downtown Portland capped off the entire trip with what was the finest meal we had in Maine. You cannot pull up a menu for Fore Street on their website because it is determined by whatever ingredients they purchase that day. There are a few favorites they do offer consistently however, like their hanger steak and spit-turned chicken.
We started out with a tomato tartlet appetizer which was nothing short of amazing. The tomato was baked to sweet perfection in a flaky dough that complimented the taste and texture perfectly. We then had mussels, steamed and swimming in its own juices and butter. As with most high end restaurants in Maine, the mussels were fresh and of the highest quality. The entree was striped bass with fresh celery relish and broccoliette. The delicacy of the fish and the fresh test of the celery were again a wonderful combination of ingredients that served to enhance each other. Finally, the dessert was a warm Rainier Cherry upside down cake with caramel sauce and house made vanilla ice cream. This was a dessert I will never forget! I can still taste the warmth of the cake and the caramel sauce in my mouth just as the sweet tartness of the cherries hit my taste buds . . . Just so you are aware of its credentials, in 2002, Fore Street was named Number 16 in Gourmet Magazine's Top Fifty Restaurants in the United States. In 2004, Chef-partner Sam Hayward was named Best Chef in the Northeast by the the James Beard Foundation.
Finally, as mentioned, I had lobster in one form or another each day of our visit in Maine. Most of it was in the form of lobster rolls, one of my favorite dishes culled on our first visit to Maine. Most places were tiny shacks manned by high school students earning their summer pay, but all you really need to know to produce a fine lobster roll is how to cook fresh lobster, get the meat out of the shells, mix it with a little mayonnaise or butter and slap it onto a grilled hot dog bun (which in the Northeast is really a slice of bread folded in half). There were admittedly, small variations in the lobster roll in the different shacks, but most were superb. I don't know if this can be attributed to the fact that I only visited those shacks recommended by the guide books, but I suspect as in anything, quality control and good management make for some better shacks than others. Occasionally, I would indulge in other menu items like fried clam strips during these visits to the shacks, but honestly, I faithfully adhered to having lobster each and every day in some form or another. Perhaps given another week, I may have tired of this seafood choice, but overall, we were there for 9 entire days, and I am confident I could go for more days, perfectly content.
more images of maine

images of maine

Sunday, August 23, 2009

We experienced the best dinner on our final night in Portland at the Fore Street restaurant. It was located in a lovely, very old but expansive brick building one block up from the wharf on, you guessed it, Fore Street. The menu cannot be viewed on line since it is determined by the day's purchase of the finest fresh ingredients. Sadly, I did not take photos of the meals as others were obviously doing as their flashes went off nearby.
To be continued.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Also, I am anticipating many wonderful meals. I have cross-referenced four travel guides (Fodor's, Frommer's, Mobil and Moon's) in selecting restaurants where I have made reservations. If the selected restaurants do not appear in at least three of the four travel guides, they have been discarded from consideration.
In addition to the lobster, let's not forget Maine's blueberries and other unique culinary delights. For instance, Moxie Soda is evidently an invention of Maine's, touted as the official soft drink of the state. It originated in 1876 and was developed by a doctor who claims it helped alleviate just about any malady. After more rigorous standards were implemented by the Food and Drug Administration however, it was downgraded from its medicinal status to a mere soft drink. It is said to have a unique taste that many prefer mixed with whiskey rather than as a standalone beverage.
And, there is a woman who makes her own special version of what she calls Wicked Whoopie Pies, which have been featured on Oprah and ABC's Good Morning America. One of her outlets is in Freeport, Maine, home of L.L. Bean and an entire community of factory outlet stores. You can count on a visit there and a subsequent review. If you are interested, Wicked Whoopie Pies can of course be sent anywhere from their website.
It may appear that I will be eating my way through the state of Maine, rather than sightseeing, but really, I will post some photographs just to let you know that there are other things to do there. More to follow.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
dark matter

I'm also drawn to the name itself: "dark matter." For me, our lives are intertwined with "dark matter" not altogether different from the one identified by astronomers and physicists. There are times when events in my life seem to have been influenced by an unseen, unobservable force, beyond the scope of my power to control or alter. As in the full spectrum of our experiences, these events have proven to be both uplifting and burdensome.
Dark matter.
I can only conclude that dark matter, destiny, chance, the power of a greater being or whatever we choose to call it, will continue to buffet me around, determining my trajectory or orbital path. How I behave and what attitude I adopt as dark matter continues to surround me though is my choice.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
large hadron collider - continued
Friday, July 31, 2009
How old Cary Grant?

In college, I stumbled upon a brief story in Newsweek about a reporter doing a piece on Cary Grant. Wanting to determine Grant's age at the time, he sent a telegram to the revered actor (yes, yes, this was a time when telegrams were commonplace). He wrote in the shortened style of telegrams, "How old Cary Grant?" After a few days, he received his answer from Cary Grant, "Old Cary Grant fine, how you?" This only served to increase my appreciation and admiration for the actor. His movie screen persona was not just fabricated, it was really a reflection of the man himself!
Why do I bring up Cary Grant here? In yesterday's NY Times, there is an article about a Cary Grant retrospective being put on at the Brooklyn Academy of Music cintematek. The reporter, Mike Hale, it seems shares my admiration for the actor as well. Grant, he writes, "was an ideal of the ascendant American male . . . urbane but athletic, absurdly handsome, but self-effacing, a joker who could be a bit of a cad, even a little cruel, but would always do the right thing in the end."
He concludes, "Watching him is to be reminded of a time when intelligence, grace and self-containment were their own rewards. The 21st century, so far, hasn't deserved him."
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
new website coming soon
I will let you know when the new site comes on-line.
how to kill a rattler - continued
Monday, July 6, 2009
the new york times
I truly learned to love this newspaper. (The Sunday edition was always "packed" and was so thick and heavy, it would invariably elicit an involuntary grunt as I lifted it from the door mat to transport it into the house.) It not only featured the insightful writing of it's amazing cache of reporters, but also provided entertainment and information unavailable elsewhere. For instance, one memorable article dealt with the proper methodology of getting ketchup to pour from the stubborn Heinz glass bottles (now being overshadowed by plastic squeeze bottles). In case you were wondering, you tilt the bottle at a slight angle and tap on the "57" imprinted on the neck with the blade of your hand, like a karate chop. Another article dealt with the best bottled water in the world, with the author journeying to the spot where it sprang forth from the ground. (Panna was the water selected as the best of the best.)
Why am I writing about this? I have just loaded the New York Times app on my iPod Touch. At no cost, I can now access articles from the Times daily! I can rekindle (no pun intended here) my romance with this publication (well, I could have at any time, but again, I'm really a cheapskate as I've told you previously) once more. True, it doesn't have that same tactile quality of having the actual newspaper in my hands, but let's face it, these are modern times. Advances such as Amazon's Kindle (do you get the unintended pun now?) will undoubtedly deprive of us of this pleasure, hopefully saving trees and replenishing the oxygen in our environment. And besides, it is the content that is important here. I can now delight in the publication I enjoyed so much during my days in Connecticut. And who knows what valuable knowledge I will once again be privy to? Perhaps an article about how to effectively get those capons out of that damn obnoxious skinny little bottle . . .
Thursday, June 25, 2009
the remarkable iPod touch

Interestingly, a lot of them simulate "reality." While I can never light a fire with my Zippo program, the flame will sway with my movements. And though I cannot cut through the blast door of a fortified spaceship with my lightsaber (as if this were "reality") I can at least sound convincing as I re-enact the moves of a Jedi in combat with a Sith Warrior.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
big stomach and an 11-day diet
I'm tempted to post a recent photo of myself, but don't want to frighten friends I have not seen for a while with a face and body vaguely recognizable as me. It's sort of like those movies where they put people into fat suits. Anyway, the net of this post is to publicly declare that I am going to attempt regulating my diet and exercise for a while to see if my tumor theory holds up. If I am to reduce the size of my stomach (and subsequently other appendages) as a result, then I am obviously wrong. My round stomach and bloating is fat after all. I've found an 11-day calorie shifting diet that claims an average 8-pound weight loss at the end of this period. Stay tuned for a follow-up report. Fat? Tumor? Fat? Tumor?