As an alternative, I recently purchased the iPod Touch 2G 16-Gig version. While the iPod does not enable you to make calls (actually, you can over Skype via a Wi-Fi connection) or take photos or video, it basically performs all of the other functions of the iPhone. And can I just say it is amazing?
In addition to the basic iPod functions of an MP3 player, you can download videos and more importantly, apps (that's applications to you unschooled in the vernacular of Generation X). Again, being the cheapskate that I am, I've only ventured into the free apps, but I could easily be convinced to part with my hard-earned $ .99 to purchase a truly worthwhile one - and I know it is out there. Thus far I have downloaded a number of games, utilities (check out Handy Level) and services (like Pandora or Urbanspoon or Google Earth). Thanks to apps, I can waive my iPod menacingly as it simulates the sound of a lightsaber, complete with the Star Wars soundtrack playing in the background. I can send out an SOS signal using my iPod screen (only as long as the battery permits - so let's hope a rescue would not be too far off). I can open my Zippo lighter, light the flame and sway in time to the closing number of a rock band in the darkness of the arena. While none of these apps may seem immensely practical, they are oddly appealing.
Interestingly, a lot of them simulate "reality." While I can never light a fire with my Zippo program, the flame will sway with my movements. And though I cannot cut through the blast door of a fortified spaceship with my lightsaber (as if this were "reality") I can at least sound convincing as I re-enact the moves of a Jedi in combat with a Sith Warrior.
Interestingly, a lot of them simulate "reality." While I can never light a fire with my Zippo program, the flame will sway with my movements. And though I cannot cut through the blast door of a fortified spaceship with my lightsaber (as if this were "reality") I can at least sound convincing as I re-enact the moves of a Jedi in combat with a Sith Warrior.
And so I have joined the grateful and awe-struck ranks of the millions of Steve Jobs fans out there. Yes, technology is an amazing thing. Yes, Apple reigns supreme. Like others, I suspect Jobs has reverse-engineered alien technology he has somehow stumbled upon. Give me a little time and I'm confident I will surely put down my iPod Touch to look-up and re-engage with the real world. In the meantime, please don't disturb me while I throw my simulated wadded paper balls into the simulated trash can, awaiting the simulated sounds of that satisfying "clunk" when I make that shot . . .