It's been over a month since I began HRT. According to the literature, the effects/benefits of HRT truly begin to manifest themselves at about the one month mark. Interestingly, whenever I institute a change in my health regiment, I typically go all out attacking it from multiple angles. This "fervor" usually results in confusion about what factors impact the resulting changes. So in this instance, not only did I begin the HRT, but I also resumed weight training, regular cardio workouts AND a carefully monitored caloric intake (of mostly good stuff). So how I am feeling may or may not be directly attributed to the HRT, but worst case, I suspect SOME of my "symptoms" are due to the HRT.
And how am I feeling?
Well, overall I feel stronger physically AND mentally. I feel like my senses have been elevated. It is almost like a "haze" has been lifted from my overall quality of life. I feel more content, self-assured and happier. (Again, all of this could be just the benefits of renewed exercise and a healthier diet.) I'm trying a new weight routine, so once again, I'm not sure if it's the routine or the HRT, but I'm gaining muscle strength and it seems at a more rapid rate than previous sessions. All of this may be psychological mind you, but even so, if it IS psychological, well, that's OK too. In another week, I'll be taking another blood test to compare against my baseline test to determine the actual dosages I should be taking to optimize the benefits of the HRT. Just as a reminder, this includes Melatonin, DHEA, Thyroid and Testosterone (the Big "T"). This should prove interesting. I have a sense I could use a little more boost of all of them. I'll keep you posted of any changes I notice in the test subject (namely, moi, the lab rat).