Friday, February 20, 2009

coloring book, copyright and ISBN

We recently commissioned a local artist to produce a themed coloring book centered around the Golden Rule. The artist is a middle-age woman who is exploring her artistic talents now that her children have grown and moved on to their own lives. My assistant fortuitously met this artist at Staples where she was waiting for the copy center to finish printing and assembling a modest coloring book she had designed.

The commissioned book is progressing quite nicely and we will soon be ready to go to print with a printer we have utilized for previous books. Since this is my first involvement with the marketing component of the actual publishing arm of my employer's business (she has three separate ventures - her established art gallery, a publishing company and the non-profit organization I head), I've had to learn how to apply for a copyright on the book, how to obtain an ISBN and the bar code for the pricing. I revel in bureaucratic processes. It's been an interesting ride and I can only hope that one day this experience will come in handy as I publish my own book. Even at my age delusions continue to thrive.

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