Friday, February 12, 2010

Martin Scorsese

Terrence Rafferty of the NY Times just reviewed "Shutter Island," Martin Scorsese's latest film. As you may be aware, my brief encounter with Mr. Scorsese (note my tone of respect and awe here) in an elevator of the Waldorf Astoria, his present place of residence, was one of the highlights of my life. I had a similar encounter with Stephen Hawking once, which was also thrilling, but I digress . . .

In the review, the author describes the gifted director:

"His dress is age appropriate: dignified (neutral-color sport coat, good shoes) but casual (no tie). His rapid-fire, unmistakenly New York conversational style is slightly less manic than it once was, a tad more patient: his characteristic manner now is one of affable enthusiasm, like a hip priest."

Take my word for it, that's EXACTLY what Martin Scorsese is, a hip priest.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ooh, Steven Hawking! That is seriously awesome.