Friday, September 5, 2008

true love . . .

I shared the fact that I had started my own blog with a friend the other day. Her response (after something like, "You mean, like EVERYBODY else?") went like this:

"I would have a blog if I wasn’t so lazy, but it would be all about potato chips, my only true love."

Which prompted me to solicit an appropriate response (mostly from women). I share some of them below:

Potato chips will never disappoint you in bed (or anywhere else for that matter).
Potato chips will never say, “I’m just not that into you.”
Potato chips are willing participants in WHATEVER video you choose.
Potato chips will never feign interest in you.
Potato chips will never make promises they can't keep.
Potato chips will never leave you for somebody else.
Potato chips will never disappoint you in bed, unless you sleep on them.
Potato chips will never borrow money from you and forget to pay you back.
Potato chips are too good for their own good.

No WONDER you can't eat just one . . .

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