Tuesday, April 6, 2010

impossible project images

As mentioned in the previous post, I promised I would share some of my images taken with the new PX100 film developed (no pun intended) by the Impossible Project. Technically, it's really kind of a crummy film. There's a definite lack of contrast and resolution to the film and the black and white rendition is more like black and cream. Artistically though, it's a fun film to shoot with. As in anything, the best results are achieved by capitalizing upon the strengths (or in this case, the weaknesses) of the film. There is a very "quiet" dream-like quality to the images. I have yet to try some of the "odd" manipulations of the original SX70 film (such as subjecting it to boiling hot water, then dipping it into an ice-water bath to separate the emulsion from the backing or separating out the backing and scratching the emulsion with steel wool, etc.), but stay tuned. I may resort to some of this experimentation after I'm suitably satisfied with mastering the basic photographic qualities of the film. At $3.25 a shot, one is reticent to do anything that might jeopardize a successful outcome (based upon the purchase price of two packs of film at $21 each with the addition of an $11 shipping charge. And the price of the film will be going up shortly)! Still, fans of the endeavor undertaken by the Impossible Project to create a new medium of expression utilizing our old SX70 cameras can't help but invest in order to keep the "dream" alive. I hope you like the images.


Sarah said...

I love the bowl, and the closer shot of the buttons. They almost look like seashells at first glance.

sgseko said...

Sarah, now THIS is the type of response I had hoped to elicit. Honestly, I'm appreciative of your comments.