Tuesday, October 6, 2009

inner teenaged boys and their toys

I’m always looking for unique ways of spending money I don’t have. As an example, I recently posted a link to the ultimate camera accessory, a remote-controlled, highly maneuverable helicopter that starts at about $16,000 (see http://www.draganfly.com/uav-helicopter/draganflyer-x6/gallery/videos/). Never mind the fact that I will never purchase one, it’s just plain cool and fun to imagine.

Well, my latest dalliance into the fantasy world of acquisition is the Ice Trice Q (http://www.ice.hpv.co.uk/trikes/q.htm). This is a recumbent tricycle (yes, I said tricycle), with two wheels in the front for stability, and the third wheel rearward. This configuration is known as a “tadpole” design in the vernacular of three-wheeled vehicles. The more traditional tricycle design with one wheel in the front is referred to as a “delta.” While the word “delta” sounds much cooler than “tadpole,” I’m afraid I would have to defer to the design advantages of the tadpole if I were ever to make such a purchase, namely, speed, stability, drive train simplicity and touring comfort. These babies go for a starting price of about $2,800 and increase as you begin to add more sophisticated components and accessories. In deference to safety considerations, I would most certainly purchase a flag to increase my visibility to others (I know, I know, this seems like “Big Wheels” for grown-ups), a rear-view mirror and several strategically placed bicycle lights at a minimum.

I’m not sure what it is that appeals to me about these trikes, but they do offer the promise of comfort, freedom, health and adventure. One individual, a 52 year-old gentleman of Japanese descent who was recently laid off from his job (talk about a doppelganger), took the opportunity of his circumstances to ride across the United States in his Ice Trice Q. He began his journey in March and is still on the road. See his blog at http://cycleamerica2009.blogspot.com/.

So the question now becomes, how can I get my hands on $2800+ of disposable money?

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